In Borders

In Borders investigates and discusses poetically the cultural and linguistic differences between geographically and politically delimited territories, Portugal-Galicia|Portuguese-Galician, languages that are part of the whole process of colonization of Latin America, especially Brazil and Argentina. However, borders are also symbolic and affective delimitations that relate to ways of living and inhabiting physical and imaginary spaces.
Realized by Brazilian artist Walmeri Ribeiro and Argentinian artist Daniel Quaranta, between Galicia-Spain and Portugal, in May 2017, Em Fronteiras, is performative-immersive research that aimed to experience the Galician and Portuguese ways of life, sometimes similar, sometimes so different. Thus, constructing an affective map through images, sounds, stories, speeches, songs, sound and visual landscapes that intertwine and confuse.

Artists: Walmeri Ribeiro (Brazil), Daniel Quaranta (Argentina).

The video-installation Perférico Além-Mar results of an investigation realized between Galicia and Portugal, it brings of galaico-Portuguese reference about the fascination for the land and the sea, and also our affectives and imaginaries links to our own stories as descendants and part of a migration process.

This project was developed with the Ibermúsicas Artistic Residency Award 2016.


Pará| Brasil, 2021-2023

Iniciamos o projeto Territórios Sensíveis| Rios Amazônicos pela região conhecida como Baixo-Tapajós, no Estado do Pará.

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Rio de Janeiro | Brasil, 2019-2023

Em tempo de emergências, sonhar, e fazer sonhar, é, certamente, a ação mais política que podemos ter.

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Santa Catarina | Brasil

Mais de 500 anos marcam a chegada da colonização na América Latina. Desde então, os territórios latinoamericanos, reconhecidos por sua riqueza mineral, vêm sendo explorados e sufocados por ações extrativistas.

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